25 Cool and Amazing Facebook Tips, Tricks and Hacks
Beside being Facebook a best social networking place there are few tips and tweaks which you can use on Facebook and make your experience much more rich and comfortable, well we have 25 tricks and hacks for facebook which you can check below and use on Facebook.
- Go Offline to Selected Friends :: facebook chat is a good way for communicating with your friends but sometimes you might get some unknown chats requests so the best way is to get rid of the crappy people by getting offline just for them.
- Open Facebook Chat and click on friends list and create a block list for people you want to go offline.
- Now when the list is complete just click on the green icon and press Go Offline, that’s it now you will appear offline to all the persons in the block list.
- View Friends Profile without Junk :: when ever you view someone's else profile you might get welcomes with many silly application and other advertisements, well hopefully there is a simple user script which you can use to clear up the junk. In chrome you can install it directly but in firefox you need to have greasemonkey installed. [Script Link]
- Display Facebook Status on Wordpress Blog :: do you want to display your facebook status as a news feed on your wordpress blog, well there is a easy plugin for that called "StatusPress" you can grab more information on it from this [Link]
- Access Facebook Chat through Desktop :: Well now we have an official release for the messenger by Facebook itself but still if you wanna go with some other 3rd party tools than you can usesocial.im, Adium or ChitChat.
- Update Facebook Status from Firefox :: Now you can easily update your Facebook status from Firefox browser itself using "FireStatus" or you can also use "Facebook Toolbar" for firefox for doing the same thing.
- Creating Collage from Facebook Pictures :: if you love to gather up all your images and create a collage than "Loupe" is the tool for you.
- Add New Friend but Hide from Status Update :: if you wanna add someone and wanted to hide that on getting on your news feed and spreading out than "Makeuseof" has a good article on this thing.
- Schedule your Facebook Messages :: if you wanna schedule your messages or updates to be send later sometime than you can use "Sendible" online tool for this purpose.
- Sharing Flickr Photos on Facebook :: well if you wanna share your Flickr photos on Facebook than you can have a check on this post here.
- How to Download Facebook Photo Albums :: well now you can easily download your entire facebook albums data in ZIP package with this tutorial check here.
- Upload Facebook Photos from Regular Photo :: well todays smartphones have a nice designed app which you can use to upload photos and share status update. But what about the regular phones with lesser app options well labnol has a nice tips for them.
- Magic Circles on Facebook :: this is something Facebook officially provides you can display some colorful magical circles on Facebook by using the key combinations below.
Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter key then press up & down & Magic circles will appear!
- Use Facebook as a Pirate :: well if you love the thief culture of pirates and talking like them than you can shift your facebook language to English (Pirate).
- Inserting Cool Symbols in your Status Update :: well I have already posted about 1000+ Facebook Symbols which you can use for some attractive status update.
- Automatically Poke Friends Back :: well people might poke you to get your attention but you might not notice it and ignore the reply, well AutoPoke simply automates the process and pokes the person back.
- Upload Photos from Picasa to Facebook :: now using the Picasa App for Facebook you upload your photos from Picasa to Facebook easily.
- Search Facebook like a Pro :: facebook is flooded with information, people and other content the only thing you need is how to get it to you, well searching up Facebook like a Pro can be done using their official help guide found here.
- Update Facebook Status from Gmail :: using Facebook Gadget you can update your facebook status update right from Gmail.
- Access Gmail from Facebook :: well Fmail is the application that allows you too access Gmail from Facebook without letting you virtually go to it.
- Access Facebook in Twitter Style :: well using this simple userscript you can convert your facebook into Twitter.
- Import Facebook Friends to Twitter :: using FB140 you can find your facebook friends who are currently using Twitter and you can follow them easily.
- Access Facebook from Microsoft Outlook :: now if you are busy reading emails in outlook you can easily use facebook from it by using FBlook Plugin.
- Display your Facebook status Upside Down :: using FlipText you can make your status update upside down easily. Simply paste your status update and click the button that’s it.
- Update Facebook Status using Twitter :: now update your status on both twitter and facebook together by linking your facebook account with twitter using this official application.
- Download Videos from Facebook :: facebook has the largest collection of user uploaded videos and if you wanna download some of those videos you can either use Speedbit orDownFacebook
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