Sunday, November 11, 2012

Create Popular Websites Similar Logos in your Own Name

Create Popular Websites Similar Logos in your Own Name

If you love browsing popular websites like Google, facebook, Yahoo, Twitter and many more the tech one’s and some news oriented one’s, the one thing you will love about their website is their overall design and the thing that’s making it a brand is the name and the logo its crafted in. So now if you love those logo’s and you have ever wished on creating something similar like those logo’s than createfunnylogo can do this job for you.
We posted about goglogo earlier but with createfunnylogo.com you can create logo’s for pretty much any popular online website, so their color’s and every font details would be the same and only the change would be on letters and it will be your personal name.
Like you can see all the above images are created using the createfunnylogo.com and they are pretty much recognizable like the first one is google, than yahoo, facebook and all you can recognize. So it has a collection of 34 popular logo’s you can get your name bumped in.
So overall it’s a fun service and its just to impress out your friends with your personalized brand logo. So jump in to their website and get your name crafted. You just need to type down your name and than choose the brand in which you wanna craft your name out.

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